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  • Adopt a rich definition of equity: Understand the complex divisions (and/or differences) between and among groups of faculty and staff (appointment type, rank, and disciplinary expertise), as well as protected classes/forms of identity. All decisions will be shaped by values of inclusion and openness, recognizing that there is no excellence without diversity. Attend to the pandemic’s intensified impacts and disproportionate burdens of this public health and economic crisis on people of color, women, and the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Empower faculty and unit leadership.
  • Embrace expert-Informed and data-driven decision-making in equity practices.
  • Be disciplined, clear, and candid about prioritization.


  • Stakeholder-Informed Decision-Making (or “Shared decision-making”)
    • During times of heightened resource constraints and fiscal crisis, it is critical for us to be intentional about our priorities and creating an equitable climate. Chairs and Directors in consultation with faculty need to define and refine institutional priorities and make choices based on student, staff, and unit needs that are consistent with a commitment to equity and supported by data.
    • Involve stakeholders in the decision-making process aimed at achieving maximum equity, while acknowledging the relative difficulty of engaging academic-year faculty, academic staff, and students during the summer.
    • Share values-enacted contingency planning with Chairs, Directors, CAC, and CAL Connect supervisors for feedback.
    • Consult Chairs/Directors/CAC/Staff Leadership in the decision-making process regarding College personnel-related policies and follow a collaborative SAC/CAC communication plan.
    • In cases where shared decision-making is not possible, provide CAL unit heads and/or faculty the data, priorities, and principles that are being used to generate decisions. Make clear distinctions between what is and is not in control of the College.
  • Communication
    • Create an ongoing College communication plan in collaboration with SAC/CAC at key points to ensure open community dialogue and a climate that consistently takes into consideration issues of equity.
    • Represent CAL faculty, staff, student challenges and needs in university-wide feedback or decision-making fora, while advocating for greater equity across colleges.
    • Clarify and communicate in a timely manner to faculty and staff all new COVID-19 related university policies and processes (e.g., COVID-19 promotion extension, hiring freeze, travel budgets, furloughs, etc.). Advocate to make policy implementation as smooth and transparent as possible and ensure equal opportunities for dialogue/feedback.
    • Establish protocols for annual-year leadership to remain digitally present and check-in with various groups of faculty and staff to work for open communication on personnel issues guided by fairness and transparency.
    • Acknowledge new and different demands on faculty and staff time in a deliberative, careful decision-making process that places a high-priority on equal treatment of all members of the university community.
  • Care
    • Establish a climate of trust based on enacting the principles of equity and fairness.
    • Listen actively and practice confidentiality, generosity, empathy, and care in working with all staff and faculty at a time of great stress for all. Provide resources as needed to reinforce a climate of trust.
    • Preserve the tenure system and tenure system faculty positions while valuing and respecting the many contributions of those not in the tenure system.
    • Support all faculty, academic staff, and teaching assistants as they adapt to online modes of instruction, noting the particular issues faced by those in protected classes and those for whom working from home is especially challenging. Ensure that resources reach those most in need of help, with adequate notice.
    • Create new or sustain existing professional development opportunities for faculty and academic staff that aim to address uncertainty, precarity, and the landscape of change in higher education.
    • Be especially mindful of preserving resources for untenured faculty members (faculty start-ups, professional development).
    • Provide support for faculty whose research is disproportionately affected by the crisis (essential research travel, curtailed exhibition/performance/publishing opportunities).
    • Work with faculty and staff to ensure the standard personnel processes remain on schedule to maintain fairness and College integrity (e.g., payroll, annual review, promotion review, etc.) while keeping in mind new timelines (e.g., tenure-clock extensions).