The Citizen Scholars Program and The Excel Network are coordinating with the Residential College in the Arts and Humanities (RCAH) as it leads the creation of the Network for Global Civic Engagement, a multi-college initiative that will create more reciprocal and sustainable community engagement programs through greater collaboration across the University and with community partners. Our collaboration with the RCAH led network focuses on enhancing experiential learning for our undergraduates in local and global contexts. Our collaborative efforts will increase opportunities for faculty to develop innovative engaged teaching practices and provide our students with transformative learning opportunities in curricular and co-curricular contexts.
We continue to advance our efforts to develop an MSU Globally Engaged Citizen micro- credentialing (digital badging) infrastructure in collaboration with the International
Studies Program, James Madison College, the College of Business, and the Office of Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education. The MSU Globally Engaged Citizen badge is designed to help students develop and demonstrate core competencies of global citizenship by empowering them to shape their co-curricular experiences in substantive and coherent ways. With the help of an advisor/mentor, the micro-credentialing infrastructure enables students to chart meaningful pathways through the wide diversity of global learning experiences available to them at MSU. This program is designed to augment the formal studies of our students and afford them opportunities to reflect on and craft evidence of learning and competence in the area of global civic engagement.