Leaders are integral to the implementation and execution of CAL core values, vision and mission of creating our culture of care.  It is possible for each of us to be a leader.  A leader is someone who can see how things can be improved and who rallies people to move toward that better vision. Leaders can work toward making their vision a reality while nurturing and putting people first. People centric.  Just being able to motivate people isn’t enough — leaders need to be empathetic and connect with people to be successful.

For Leaders and Supervisors
What is the work of a Leader? [PDF]

The action of leading people in an organization towards achieving goals.  Leaders influence, set clear visions, and work to build morale. Leaders example best professional behaviors.

Styles of Leadership

Different situations require different leadership styles.  An excellent supervisor can leverage several different styles of leadership to align with the situation and employees involved. [PDF]


What is coaching?  Easy steps to follow during a coaching session. Effective coaching connects the person being coached with their own ability to define problems, create solutions and hold themselves accountable.

Performance Excellence

Supervisor’s Guide – Toward a respectful workplace.  This series of three workshops is intended for leaders (executive manager, deans, directors, chairs and supervisors, level 12-17) from across the University to work together to improve the current climate and culture in their units and across the greater campus community.

Performance Excellence Resources for Supervisors

Find information about the Performance Excellence process, access required online training and supplementary training opportunities, and download Performance Excellence forms and other helpful supervisor tools.  Tips and Tools and MSU HR Leadership Links.

As a supervisor you may encounter varying degrees of behavior that needs guidance and correction here are some forms of best practices to review.

Skill Building Toolkit

Personal Awareness

“Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.” –Robert Holden

Know your Personality Strengths and Traits

  • Strength Finder 2.0  Discover what you do best
  • It’s the Manager Discover your manager style
  • DiSC  Did you know? MSU HR offers regular classes on DiSC to help you learn your leadership strengths and improve your ability

Emotional Intelligence

Time Management

Ethics, Morality & Integrity

Integrity “is doing the right thing, even when no one is looking.” –C.S. Lewis
Ethics Defined: Integrity

Political Skill

Political skill as the ability to identify and understand the motivations and needs of others to influence others to ensure the attainment of individual, group or organizational goals.

Functional Knowledge

In order to be an excellent supervisor it is important to have solid competencies in your specific area of work.  cal.msu.edu/staff is an excellent reference guide for everything from HR and Payroll to Budget and Finance; Chair support to Staff Development; Travel, Events and Outreach to Emergency Preparedness; along with Graduate and Academics. Please refer to the quick links on the right side of this page for links to these areas.