For details on each policy and the required documentation, refer to the faculty handbook as indicated in the links below. Each kind of leave requires a specific request and supporting information to be filed in the EBS system by one’s supervisor. Timely registration of one’s condition is required to establish eligibility for other benefits under the federal Family Medical Leave Act. In order to receive short term disability, maternity and parental benefits one has to be appointed for at least 50% for nine months or more. Because there are some restrictions for FMLA, please contact Human Resources regarding eligibility.

  SituationShort Term  Disability Leave  Parental LeaveFamily Medical  Leave Act (FMLA}  Tenure Clock Extension  Modified Duties
Birth or adoption of a child.6 weeks paid leave is automatic for a birth mother if requested.A separate 6 weeks paid leave is automatic for parents if requested. If both parents are MSU faculty or academic staff, paid parental leave provides parents 6 weeks of leave for both parents.The FMLA provides each eligible new parent 12 weeks of leave in total. Any paid leave taken counts toward the 12 weeks.*One-year extension automatic for either parent if requested. If both parents are tenure- system faculty, both are eligible for an extension. Only two separate one- year extensions related to birth or adoption of a child are automatic.Up to one additional semester with modified teaching assignment may be requested. Must be completed in child’s first year. If both parents are MSU tenure-system faculty in the same unit, their modified duties should be assigned in different semesters. 
A new child (or children) under six years of age and/or not attending school. full- time enters the .home due to adoption or foster-care placement.       ..n/a6 weeks paid leave automatic for parents if requested.  If both parents are MSU faculty or academic staff, paid parental leave provides parents 6 weeks of leave for both parents.The FMLA provides each eligible new parent 12 weeks of leave in total. Any paid leave taken counts toward the 12 weeks.*One-year extension automatic for either parent if requested. If both parents are tenure- system faculty,both are eligible for an extension. Only two separate one- year extensions related to birth or adoption of a child are automatic.Up to one additional semester with modified teaching assignment may be requested. Must be completed in child’s first year in the home. If both parents are MSU tenure-system faculty in the same unit, their modified duties should be assigned in different semesters.
Health Issues (self).Up to 6 months of paid leave.n/aThe 12 weeks provided by the FMLA run concurrently with short term disability leave taken.*Extension automatic only for leaves of one semester to twelve months in length.n/a
Health Issues of Child, Spouse or Parent.n/an/aThe FMLA provides 12 weeks unpaid leave.*n/an/a