College Advisory Council (CAC)

The College Advisory Council (CAC) consists of elected representatives from each department in the College. The CAC advises the College on matters of importance to the faculty and students. It nominates representatives to University committees, prepares the ballot for faculty elections to the College Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee, proposes any changes to the college bylaws and convenes College faculty meetings. It has shared responsibility with the Provost in choosing the Dean, and in determining procedures for the review of the Dean. The Council members represent the overall academic interests of the College.


College Graduate Council (CGC)

The College Graduate Council (CGC) consists of elected representatives from each department in the college with a graduate degree program. In consultation with the faculty of the Departments, the CGC shall make decisions on existing and proposed graduate programs and courses within the College. The Council shall be the legislative and policy-making organ of the College in all matters dealing with graduate work.


College Curriculum Committee (CCC)

The College Curriculum Committee (CCC) consists of elected representatives from each department in the college. In consultation with the faculty of the Departments, the College Curriculum Committee decides on the establishment and elimination of courses and curricula within the College. The CCC reviews and evaluates College educational policies, including those governing pedagogy and educational objectives, and brings before the College any issues that might, in the opinion of the Committee, require deliberation by the College faculty as a whole.


College Inclusive Practices Committee (CIPC)

The College Inclusive Practices Committee (CIPC) consists of elected representatives from each department in the college. The College Inclusive Practices Committee works in consultation with CAL Departments, Programs, Centers, and College Administration to sustain inclusive practices as part of the core work of the college across all areas of endeavor: teaching, scholarship, service, leadership, professional development and administration. 


College Undergraduate Committee (CUC)

The College Undergraduate Committee (CUC) consists of elected representatives from each department in the college. In consultation with the faculty of the Departments, the College Undergraduate Committee is not intended to replace CCC, but to work in conjunction with it to discuss undergraduate initiatives and goals among the various Departments, Centers, and Programs while responding to university-wide initiatives. The CUC along with CCC reviews and evaluates College educational policies, including those governing pedagogy and educational objectives, and brings before the College any issues that might, in the opinion of the Committee, require deliberation by the College faculty as a whole.


Dean’s Arts Advisory Council (DAAC)

The Dean’s Arts Advisory Council is made up of Faculty from within the College of Arts & Letters who serve as an advisory board to the Dean.