Professor Alison Dobbins, Faculty Excellence Advocate
Department of Theatre
The Faculty Excellence Advocate (FEA) is a resource for faculty and academic staff and serves as a change agent focusing on recruitment, retention, and advancement of the faculty. The FEA is an advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion in the College of Arts & Letters.
The FEA works with chairs and search committees on faculty and academic staff searches. The FEA is a resource for search committees in the process of crafting job descriptions and strategizing methods to recruit a diverse applicant pool. The FEA is available for search committee members throughout the process to answer questions. The FEA also meets with candidates during their on-campus interview to answer questions, provide information (including information that the candidate might not feel comfortable requesting from the search committee), and resolve concerns that the candidate may have.
The FEA listens to faculty and academic staff concerns and shares these perspectives with the administration while maintaining confidentiality. The FEA provides information and resources for all faculty and provides a safe way for faculty and academic staff to share their experiences and work to create a more sustainable and supportive work environment for all.
The FEA listens to concerns on reappointment, promotion, tenure, and merit and provides information and resources. The FEA gathers data on inequities across the college and within departments and shares this information with the Dean (maintaining confidentiality).
All conversations are confidential. The FEA will suggest a plan of action but will not proceed without the permission of the faculty member. The FEA is a MANDATORY REPORTER for all instances of sexual harassment, assault, or violence in any form.