COVID-19 News Updates
As we approach the school year, MSU is planning to welcome more Spartans back to campus. Safety is our highest priority and we are working hard to support an engaged and connected experience for all. The Together We Will website provides the latest information on planning and preparation. Success will take all of us working together.
Returning to campus:
The Ingham County Health Department has issued an emergency order requiring all employees still reporting to work to answer health screening options. To facilitate compliance with this order, we are directing you to this Covid-19 Workplace Heath Screening Form to be filled out prior to each time you enter your campus building.
Featured Stories

Pandemic Is Affecting Language Change
COVID-19 has had a major impact on people around the world, but how is the pandemic changing our language and the way we communicate? That is the question being studied by a team of researchers at Michigan State University, led by Associate Professor Suzanne Wagner and Assistant Professor Betsy Sneller.
Responding to COVID-19 with Innovation and Compassion
For the past several months, MSU’s Apparel and Textile Design (ATD) faculty, alumni, and students have used their skills and contributed their time in the fight against COVID-19 by constructing masks and teaching others how to make their own through an online video.