The Dean’s Arts Advisory Council in the College of Arts & Letters is now accepting proposals for the 2024 CREATE! Microgrant program, in which seven winning proposals will be awarded $500 microgrants to create artworks that respond critically and imaginatively to the challenges of our contemporary moment.
Open to all Michigan State University undergraduate students who will remain enrolled at MSU during the Fall 2024 semester, the proposal submission deadline is June 7, 2024.

Artwork proposals may use any of the following mediums: ceramics, design, film and video, musical composition, musical performance, new media forms, painting, performing arts, photography, playwriting, poetry, printmaking, prose, screenwriting, sculpture, sound art, textile arts, visual arts, and other genres and mediums also accepted.
The artworks’ themes, topics, methods, and approaches may respond to the following prompts, but are not limited to:
- Importance of arts and humanities as a force for change
- Visions for hope and healing
- Impacts of gun violence on our communities
- Ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Economic realities faced by young folks today
- Art as a means of therapy and self-care
- LGBTQIA+ themes
- Other issues that impact or inspire the artists and their creative process
Artworks resulting from winning proposals will be presented in an exhibit supported by the College of Arts & Letters. Please see the 2023 CREATE! Microgrant Virtual Showcase.
The CREATE! Microgrant program is made possible through the support of the MSU Federal Credit Union, MSU Department of English, MSU Department of Theatre, MSU Office of Undergraduate Education, and the MSU College of Music.
For more information on this year’s CREATE! Microgrant Program, contact Dionne O’Dell, Academic Specialist in the Department of Theatre, at