Living Values

In the open letter we wrote to the College of Arts & Letters community in January 2018, we promised to look critically at ourselves, recognize our failures, and rebuild the trust that is requied of us. This commitment has led to an intense period of critical self-reflection in the Dean’s Office and across the College in which we have considered the core values we aspire to embody in our work and interactions with one another.

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Alumna Reflects on Work and Friendship with President George H.W. Bush

He was Vice President of the United States back then. My son was just under a year old. I’d introduced them for the first time during a staff picnic, in 1987, at the Vice Presidential Residence. Hot dogs, punch, and other picnic-type foods were the order of the day — fun, fatty foods that my little boy wasn’t accustomed to,…

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Alumna Finds Success at Prominent Advertising Agency

Less than a year after graduating from Michigan State University with a BFA in Graphic Design, Lorenza Centi started working as an Art Director at Weber Shandwick, a public relations and advertising agency, where she works exclusively with the Chevrolet brand and its 12 different social media channels for each vehicle nameplate. “It's really fun being able to work on…

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Long View Blog: Living Values

In the open letter we wrote to the College of Arts & Letters community in January 2018, we promised to look critically at ourselves, recognize our failures, and rebuild the trust that is required of us. This commitment has led to an intense period of critical self-reflection in the Dean’s Office and across the College in which we have considered the…

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Exhibit Inspired by Teachings of MSU Professors Travels to Ireland

Starting at Michigan State University and traveling nearly 4,000 miles around the world, the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology in Galway, Ireland, hosted a photography exhibit at its Center for the Creative Arts and Media that showcases the work of the 127 photographers from 39 countries who were students of the first Photography Specialization course, taught by MSU Professors Peter Glendinning,…

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Partnership Awarded for Raising Environmental Awareness

An initiative aimed at raising environmental awareness and engagement in Monroe, Michigan, that was born out of a collaboration with MSU’s College of Arts & Letters is now being recognized with the Distinguished Partnership Award for Community-Engaged Service by MSU’s Office of University Outreach and Engagement. Kelly Salchow MacArthur, Associate Professor of Graphic Design in the Department of Art, Art History, and Design,…

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Student Shines as Gymnast and Young Professional

Between interning and travelling abroad, classes, and being a Big Ten student athlete, senior Experience Architecture major Anna Gamelo has plenty to show for her time at MSU. Gamelo, who has consistently been on the Dean’s List the last four years, first became interested in Michigan State University when she learned about its Experience Architecture (XA) program. “It suits my…

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Theatre Students to Improvise for Freshman Showcase

Join the Department of Theatre’s freshmen class as they take audience suggestions to improvise a new show every time in this year’s Freshman Showcase, which runs Thursday, November 29, to Sunday, December 2, at the MSU Auditorium’s Studio 60 Theatre.  For each performance, the characters, setting, dialogue, music, and lyrics all will be made up on the spot. The performers will improvise short-form…

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Student Participates in Kansas City Fashion Week

This fall semester, junior Timosha Krivtsov, a current Apparel, Textile and Design (ATD) student, was accepted into Kansas City Fashion Week (KCFW) to show his original collection of his fashion designs and launch his individual brand. KCFW is ATD’s entrée into this competition. He was selected to be part of the show via an application that was sent through his…

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‘Illuminating Survivor Voices’ Through the Arts

A poem by Associate Professor Nancy DeJoy, addressing the issue of silence in cases of sexual abuse and how the isolation and silencing of survivor voices is detrimental to the lives of survivors and to the community, will be exhibited December 4-12 at the Broad Art Lab in downtown East Lansing. The poem, Illuminating Survivor Voices, which originated from survivor…

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