Kirk Domer Appointed Acting Associate Dean of Academic Personnel and Administration

Kirk Domer, Professor of Scene Design in the Department of Theatre, has been appointed Acting Associate Dean of Academic Personnel and Administration and will serve in this position July 1-December 31, 2022, while Sonja Fritzsche, Associate Dean of Academic Personnel and Administration, is on research leave. "I am excited to join the College of Arts & Letters Deans' Team to…

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MSU Receives Templeton Religion Trust Grant for Islamic Architecture, Science, and Interreligious Relations Project

Michigan State University has received a $228,000 grant from the Templeton Religion Trust to fund a multi-year, multi-national, multi-faceted research project on “Science, Art and Faith: Architectural Heritage and Islam.” Led by Martha Olcott, James Madison College Professor, and Mohammad H. Khalil, Director of the Muslim Studies Program and Professor in the Department of Religious Studies, with support from Salah Hassan, Director of Global Studies in…

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Campus Partners Collaborate to Combat Islamophobia and Antisemitism

The rise in anti-Muslim and antisemitic attacks over the last several years has prompted two campus leaders and faculty members to join forces to educate the Spartan community about the harm caused by Islamophobia and antisemitism. Yael Aronoff, Director of the Serling Institute for Jewish Studies and Modern Israel and Professor in James Madison College, and Mohammad Khalil, Director of the Muslim Studies Program and Professor…

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MSU African American and African Studies ‘Unicorns’ Drive Black Futures Beyond Survival Into Wellness

The Department of African American and African Studies (AAAS) was initially founded as a Ph.D. granting program in 2002. On July 1, 2019, AAAS became a department. In Spring 2020, MSU appointed Ruth Nicole Brown the inaugural chair.

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MSU Outreach Effort Celebrates Works of Black Playwrights

A group of Michigan State University faculty and students from the Department of Theatre in collaboration with the Wharton Center Institute for Arts & Creativity led an effort to bring the Next Narrative Monologue Competition (NNMC) to Michigan, a national high school competition that celebrates the diverse perspectives and worldviews of the Black community by bringing works of contemporary Black…

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LiLaC Faculty Promote Open Pedagogy Beyond MSU

The world of language teaching has faced enormous challenges in delivering quality education due to the abrupt transition to remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the major challenges is the difficulty of using traditional textbooks in the new reality, and Arabic language programs are no exception. Two Assistant Professors of Arabic at Michigan State University, Sadam Issa and…

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WRAC Professor Wins CCCC Technical and Scientific Communication Award

Steven Fraiberg, Associate Professor in the Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures at Michigan State University, received a 2022 Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) Technical and Scientific Communication Award for the Best Article Reporting Qualitative or Quantitative Research in Technical or Scientific Communication.  Fraiberg’s article, “Unsettling Start-Up Ecosystems: Geographies, Mobilities, and Transnational Literacies in the Palestinian Start-Up…

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The Cube Wins Creating Inclusive Excellence Grant to Fund Three Projects

The Cube, which is housed in the Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures (WRAC) and offers publication resources for the Michigan State University campus community and beyond, has won a 2021-2022 Creating Inclusive Excellence Grant (CEIG) to support three of its projects. CEIG funding is awarded to projects that aim to create a more inclusive educational and work environment for all. The Cube…

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Faculty Members Recognized With Outstanding Achievement Awards

The College of Arts & Letters is pleased to honor the 2021 Faculty Award winners for their outstanding leadership, teaching, innovation, and community engagement. The six awards presented by the College recognize these impactful leaders for the work that they do to enhance curriculum and student experiences. 2021 Faculty Award Winners: Faculty Leadership Award – Dànielle Nicole DeVoss, Department of Writing,…

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