Exhibition Features Work by Ceramic Arts in Greece Study Abroad Students

Inspired by the culture and history of Greece and the many ancient artifacts at the MSU Excavations at Isthmia, the Michigan State University students who were part of the 2023 Ceramic Arts in Greece Study Abroad used this experience to create their own works of art, which are now on display through Friday, Oct. 27, at the MSU Union Art…

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Experience Architecture Student Named 2023 Ian Gray Scholar in Entrepreneurial Studies

Christian Nderu is not your typical student entrepreneur. As a senior majoring in Experience Architecture within MSU's College of Arts & Letters, he possesses a rare blend of artistic sensibility and entrepreneurial acumen. Awarded the prestigious 2023 Ian Gray Scholarship in Entrepreneurial Studies by the MSU Innovation Center, Nderu's journey is a testament to the transformative power of creativity, community, and…

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Gaining Copy Editing Experience While Interning for Educational Nonprofit

Helena Rowland, a senior English major at Michigan State University, worked as a Copy Editing Intern for the nonprofit educational institution ASCENDtials where she learned how to edit copy and take charge of collaborative emails. Rowland shared her internship experience in a Q&A that was originally published by the Excel Network.

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Humanities-Prelaw Major Interns for 30th Judicial Circuit Court

Grace Lieckfield, a junior Humanities-Prelaw major in the College of Arts & Letters at Michigan State University, has an interest in analytical and rhetorical analysis and used that to help conclude cases while working under Judge Rosemarie Aquilina as an intern with the 30th Judicial Circuit Court in Ingham County, Michigan.

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English Major Shares Internship Experience Working for Refugee Development Center

Sasha Beloglazova, a senior with a major in English from the College of Arts & Letters and a minor in Business, has a dream of becoming an English educator. A native of Russia, Beloglazova moved to the United States two years ago to pursue an undergraduate education from Michigan State University. She said her international background has fueled an interest in world affairs, foreign policy, and global economics. Sasha Beloglazova at the Refugee Development…

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Spring 2023 Graduate Shares Experiences Working Remotely for Company in Ireland

Ryan Chaben, a Spring 2023 Michigan State University graduate with a B.A. in English, recently shared her experiences as a Spartan with the College of Arts & Letters’ Excel Network and the Department of English for its 2023 Senior Spotlight. Among the many impactful experiences highlighted was working as a consultant for MSU’s Writing Center and a remote internship with…

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Apparel and Textile Design Student Launches Fashion Magazine for and by Black Students

While balancing being a freelance fashion stylist, fashion designer, creative director, and social media influencer, Michigan State University student Takai Taggart also manages the demands of MSU’s newest magazine. As of fall 2022, the Apparel and Textile Design major launched N Crowd, a fashion magazine created by and for Black students. “My main focus when creating N Crowd was to offer a safe space for Black creatives who attend Michigan State University,” said Taggart, who was…

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College of Arts & Letters Students Receive UURAF First-Place Awards for Research

Several College of Arts & Letters students earned first-place awards for their presentations at the 2023 University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum (UURAF). The 25th UURAF at Michigan State University, which was held April 14 at the Breslin Student Events Center and online at Symposium, featured the research and creative endeavors of nearly 900 undergraduate students from 14 different colleges.…

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