Anna Webber, a senior majoring in Apparel and Textile Design, interned in New York City in the summer of 2022 at V.Mora Fashion Consulting, a fashion consulting brand that helps new and established designers with their fashion lines. She recently wrote about this experience and her future plans in a Q&A that was published by the Excel Network.

What were your internship responsibilities?
As a Production Intern, some of the things I did on a daily basis included creating social media content such as Instagram posts, stories, and reels; creating mood boards for the upcoming lines of clients; running errands to pick up patterns, samples, fabric, and more; sitting in on meetings with clients and taking notes while also learning about their brand; and helping clients with aesthetic choices such as choosing which photos to use for their website or social media.
How did you obtain your internship?
I got my internship through MSU and Global Experiences. I used my portfolio and resume to apply and then had phone interviews. I definitely recommend getting as much experience on your resume as possible.
What was your favorite experience from the internship?
Some of my favorite parts of my internship were helping clients with their creative choices such as mood boards, social media, and aesthetics, as well as helping work at some cool events like a fabric sourcing trade show where I got to network and meet some cool people and a garment district tour where we toured many different factories, pattern makers, and fabric stores.
What skills did you learn and/or build upon during your internship?
I gained more communication skills and skills with different technologies such as Excel, Adobe, and Canva. I learned a lot about entrepreneurship and how to start your own fashion line. I learned how to adapt to new environments quickly and how to navigate a big city on my own.
What did you learn about the industry and your career path as a result of the internship?
I learned a lot about the business side of fashion. Being an ATD student, I do not always have the opportunity to learn the needed skills for starting my own line or, in general, understanding the less creative side of fashion. I learned so many new things, and I actually decided to launch my own brand!
What are your future plans?
My future plans are to graduate in 2023 and hopefully move back to New York. Living there for two months gave me a great feel for the city and helped me know that is where I see myself in the future. I would love to work at a magazine for creative direction or styling.
What advice do you have for other students seeking internship opportunities?
My advice is always to try your best and put yourself out there. Even if you apply to places that may not fit perfectly with what you want to do, know that you can still gain such amazing experiences that you may not have had access to otherwise. Also, do not be scared of trying new things. Before moving to New York, I had never been there in my life. Moving to a brand new city for two months was a bit scary, but I fell in love with it and grew more in those two months than I have over some of my years at college.
(Q&A originally published by the Excel Network)