A number of grants for student organizations are available for MSU groups on behalf of tzhe College of Arts & Letters Alumni Board.
Application Deadline: TBD
About the Program
If you are a student, faculty, or staff member in the College of Arts & Letters involved with a college-affiliate registered student organization, you may be able to take advantage of a limited amount of funding made available by the College of Arts & Letters Alumni Association Board of Directors.
Grant Guidelines
Grants are intended to fund portions of existing events, or to promote the creation of new events that may have not otherwise been financially possible. Grants may also support student organizations in other ways at the Board’s discretion. These grants are made available primarily as a result of dues paid by members of the College of Arts & Letters Alumni Association (CALAA), a constituent group of the MSU Alumni Association. It has been established that a committee consisting of members of the CALAA Board of Directors will review the applications for these grants and appropriate funds using the following guidelines:
- The group applying for the grant must be a Registered Student Organization with a faculty or staff advisor within the College of Arts & Letters; preference is given to student groups in which the majority of members are students within the College of Arts & Letters.
- The Registered Student Organization may not apply for more than two grants in one academic year.
- An active university account is preferred; an inactive university account may be cause for denial of the funding request.
- Applications must be completed in full, include signatures of the student group representative and faculty/staff advisor, and submitted to the CAL Development Office, 317 Linton Hall, by March 1.
- The amount of funds awarded to each student group is at the discretion of the CALAA Board of Directors. Funding requests for social events will be limited to $200 and educational events will be limited to $500. The amount requested by a student group is not to exceed $500. The CALAA Board of Directors reserves the right to raise or lower any funding request amount.
- Funds may be used for event expenses such as, but not limited to, food, non-alcoholic beverages, party supplies, and marketing materials, as well as other activities involving the student organization.
- All grants will require that receipts or other proof of expenses incurred are turned in to the CAL Development Office, 317 Linton Hall, for the reimbursement of funds. Delivery of funds to student groups will be in the form of reimbursement to the group’s university account or via check to an eligible individual.
- All decisions to fund or not fund requests by student groups will be made by the committee appointed by and made up of members of the CALAA Board of Directors. Allocations will not be provided for events or activities that have already passed.
- The Registered Student Organization will post or advertise that the College of Arts & Letters Alumni Association has in part or fully sponsored the event or activity.
- The Registered Student Organization will allow a member of the CALAA Board of Directors to attend the event or activity if possible, and if a board member is available and wishes to attend.
Limited funds are made available on a year-to-year basis.
There is the possibility that grant funds may not be available every year.
How to Apply
Complete the following application online below or click here for a printable application.
Application Deadline: TBD
If selected to receive a grant, your organization will be required to complete a follow-up form within two months of project completion.
Please direct questions to Cynthia Wright, Development Assistant.