Teaching Quick Links
Essential information and links for starting teaching this semester.

Instructor Systems
Class lists, midterm reports, submit grades online.

Classroom Problems?
Report concerns and submit suggestions for improving classroom facilities.

Educational Technology Support
Resources and support for technology use in teaching and learning, including in-class technology use and online and hybrid course offerings.

Academic Advisor Manual
For assistance with issues related to undergraduate academic advising, contact Director of Student Success Quinn Moreno, 200 Linton Hall; (517) 355-0336 (undergraduate student affairs); for assistance with graduate student committees, contact Associate Dean Bill Hart-Davidson at (517) 355-5360 (graduate programs and affairs).

College of Arts & Letters College Specific Tier II Writing Criteria

Tier II writing in the College of Arts & Letters is designed to engage students in processes that broaden their understanding of the writing practices and products in their disciplines. Upon fulfillment of the Tier II writing requirement, students in the College of Arts & Letters will be able to…

  • Employ processes of inquiry and strategies of knowledge production to compose in their disciplines
  • Practice revising, reviewing, and editing to compose texts that communicate effectively in their disciplines
  • Write in some of the major forms employed by their disciplines
  • Communicate effectively knowledge of the disciplines both within academic contexts and for broader audiences
  • Identify the discursive strategies within written products in their disciplines to evaluate their own and others’ work
  • Situate their written work in relation to the range of goals, genres and audiences of their disciplines