First Recipients of TOME Award Announced

The first three recipients of the TOME (Toward an Open Monograph Ecosystem) Award have been selected to receive funding to support an open-access digital publication of a book they have written. The 2018-19 TOME Award recipients are: Matthew Handelman, Assistant Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Germanic, Slavic, Asian, and African Languages, College of Arts & LettersSidney Xu Lu, Assistant Professor in the Department…

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New Course Teaches How to Ethically Record and Edit Sound

A new course offered by Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures (WRAC) is teaching students how to use audio technology to record and edit sounds ethically and rhetorically, and to help make change in the world by assembling and circulating stories. The course, titled Soundwriting and Rhetoric, ran for the first time during the fall 2018 semester and was taken by…

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Furthering Research and Working on a New Musical in Prague

One goal of Michigan State University’s Department of Theatre is to “encourage and promote the exchange of ideas, research, and creative production in all aspects of theatre and related fields.” That is exactly what Brad Willcuts, Assistant Professor of Musical Theatre and Choreography, achieved this past summer while working on the new musical, Legende Holmes (Sherlock Holmes the Legend), at the prestigious Karlin Music…

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Students Gain Valuable Experience with ‘ing’ Magazine

ing Magazine is a greater Lansing area, MSU student-run arts and culture publication that highlights MSU students, Lansing locals, and the things they love. The magazine is created by students enrolled in WRA 480, which was designed for Professional Writing students who have a focus on Editing and Publishing, but is open to all majors.  The course goes beyond writing and editing…

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iOS Design Lab Is One-of-a-Kind with Support from Apple Inc.

A one-of-a-kind collaboration with Apple Inc. is providing valuable experience to some Michigan State University students who are designing and developing apps as part of MSU’s iOS Design Lab.   Using Apple’s challenge-based learning framework as a guide, the iOS Design Lab, which launched in September, offers students a year-long experiential learning opportunity right here on campus where they learn about…

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English Undergrad Leads Research in Linguistics

Abby Jaroszewicz, a sophomore English major, Citizen Scholar, and Honors College student, is doing linguistics research on children’s books at the MSU Language Acquisition Lab under the advisement of Associate Professors Cristina Schmitt and Alan Munn. When she first started working at the lab in the fall of 2017, Jaroszewicz assisted other students and faculty who needed an extra hand with their…

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Alumna’s Career Takes a Turn After Graduation

Autumn Hauer graduated from Michigan State University in 2015 with an Apparel, Textile, and Design degree. She recently was promoted to Project Manager at Sugarpill Cosmetics in Los Angeles, California. Previously, she had worked as the company’s Brand and Social Media Manager. We recently caught up with Hauer and asked her about her new position and the career path that…

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Book Explores Jewish Name Changing and Its Connection to Anti-Semitism

For the past 10 years, Kirsten Fermaglich, Associate Professor of History and Jewish Studies, has researched the practice of Jewish name changing in the United States and has written a book on the subject, titled A Rosenberg by Any Other Name: A History of Jewish Name Changing in America.  The book, published by New York University Press and released in October,…

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