Ella Coles is a junior Humanities – Prelaw major from Roy, Utah, who worked as a Law Intern/Legal Assistant with Brenda Beaton Attorney at Law in Ogden, Utah. Coles shared her internship experience in the following Q&A that originally was published by the Excel Network.

What were your internship responsibilities?
During this internship, I attended court hearings and mediation and drafted divorce decrees, stipulations, and motions to enforce. I also sat in on mediations and client meetings as well as assisted with anything else that came up or needed more eyes or hands.
How did you obtain your internship?
Brenda Beaton was my mom’s divorce attorney a couple years ago and I was able to attend one of her client meetings. I mentioned being her intern once then and then kept her business card and reached back out when I was ready. I used my networking resources to get back in touch with her and ask about an internship.
What did your daily routine include?
My daily routine included checking in with the paralegal, Bonnie, and reviewing my tasks for the day. Those tasks always included attending a mediation, completing and filing paperwork, and drafting motions. Before each workday ended, we would go over what we did that day as well as what was on the agenda for the next day.
What was your favorite experience from the internship?
My favorite experiences from this internship were attending court and seeing families receive what they were fighting for. It solidified the fact that I want to be a lawyer and made my goals even more valuable.
What skills did you learn and/or build upon during your internship?
I learned so many skills such as legal vocabulary and just an in-depth understanding of family law and the court systems. I had no idea what going to court was like before this and it felt like such an educational and valuable experience. I also built upon my writing skills in a style that I have never done before.
What did you learn about your career path as a result of this internship?
The biggest thing I learned was that this is the career I want to pursue. If there were any doubts, there aren’t anymore. I loved and valued every second of this internship and I know it’s what I want to do in the future.
What are your future plans?
My future plans are to attend law school and become a family lawyer. Before becoming a family lawyer, I want to be a prosecutor for the state.
What advice do you have for other students seeking internships?
The biggest advice I would give is to ask questions. I’m normally a little shy and reserved but I told myself going into this that I would ask every question that popped into my head regardless of how stupid I thought it might be. I learned so much that way and it really brought me out of my comfort zone.