Degree/Year: Humanities Pre-Law, 2015
Employer name: Detroit Land Bank Authority
Position/Title: Data Analyst
City/State: Detroit, Michigan

I work at the Detroit Land Bank Authority (DLBA), which is a public entity with the mission of turning vacant, surplus and foreclosed property back to productive use. My role is within the Inventory Department, where our main focus is to curate and determine strategies for the 90,000+ properties that the DLBA owns. Although my role includes a variety of responsibilities, my primary duties are executing property donations and reconciling title issues.
Don’t be afraid to plan a few steps ahead.
Within my major, I focused primarily on philosophy and political science. Studying multiple disciplines gave me an operational understanding of government and policy while giving me the freedom to hone in on specific topics of interest. Unearthing my
passion for fields like city politics and social philosophy is ultimately what drove me to find my place in Detroit.
Like many students, my post-grad plan changed several times before I graduated. I’d advise future Spartans to explore all their interests, take some internships, and keep an open mind to your potential. When you decide to leap into your career, don’t underestimate the great power of a well-curated network, and don’t be afraid to plan a few steps ahead.