Dear College of Arts & Letters staff and faculty,
As we turn our attention to Spring Break, during which I hope you all will have some opportunity for rest and restoration, I write to provide additional details regarding MSU President Stanley’s message about MSU lifting mask requirement on March 6 except for classrooms, research spaces. We recognize this transition may be more difficult for some than others, and I am grateful for all the ways staff and faculty are supporting each other as we continue to navigate the transitions associated with the pandemic together. To this end, let me share the following clarifications and support initiatives following President Stanley’s announcement:
Studio, Performance Spaces, & Labs
College labs, studios, and performance spaces will require masks during instructional periods. Please work with your unit leader to determine policies and practices for interactions in these spaces outside of instructional contexts.
Events (e.g., Lectures, Exhibitions, Performances)
For public events such as lectures, exhibitions, and/or performance outside of the instructional setting, masks are not required. Events that have been identified in curriculum or as part of normal instructional activities will require masks.
Office Hours/Meetings Outside of Instructional Settings
Faculty and staff may ask individuals to wear a mask when visiting offices or personal spaces due to special health concerns. As individuals make their personal decisions about health and safety, please be mindful and respectful of their decision. In a spirit of hospitality and respect, our office operations staff has adopted the practice of putting on masks whenever someone with a mask enters the office space.
Thank You
As we conclude this Spring semester, I am grateful to pause here to recognize the leadership and integrity you all continue to provide during this extended period of intense uncertainty.
Please be well, stay safe, and take care.

Christopher P. Long
Dean, College of Arts & Letters
Dean, Honors College