Singh Named Visiting Fellow at Oxford University

Professor of English Jyotsna Singh, Professor of Renaissance Literature in the Department of English, has been elected Visiting Fellow at Oxford University - St. Catherine’s College. She will be completing this fellowship in the Fall 2019 semester during her sabbatical year.   “I am delighted to be elected Visiting Fellow at St. Catherine’s College, Oxford University,” Singh said. “I will…

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Book Explores Jewish Name Changing and Its Connection to Anti-Semitism

For the past 10 years, Kirsten Fermaglich, Associate Professor of History and Jewish Studies, has researched the practice of Jewish name changing in the United States and has written a book on the subject, titled A Rosenberg by Any Other Name: A History of Jewish Name Changing in America.  The book, published by New York University Press and released in October,…

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English Professor Earns Edwin M. Hopkins Award

Lamar Johnson, Assistant Professor in the Department of English, received the 2018 English Journal Edwin M. Hopkins Award for his scholarly article, Loving Blackness to Death: (Re)Imagining ELA Classrooms in a Time of Racial Chaos. The award, presented to Johnson on November 17 at the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Convention in Houston, Texas, recognizes outstanding articles published in English Journal during the previous year.…

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‘Illuminating Survivor Voices’ Through the Arts

A poem by Associate Professor Nancy DeJoy, addressing the issue of silence in cases of sexual abuse and how the isolation and silencing of survivor voices is detrimental to the lives of survivors and to the community, will be exhibited December 4-12 at the Broad Art Lab in downtown East Lansing. The poem, Illuminating Survivor Voices, which originated from survivor…

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Yen-Hwei Lin to Lead LingLang Department 

Dr. Yen-Hwei Lin has been appointed Acting Interim Chair of the Department of Linguistics & Germanic, Slavic, Asian, and African Languages, effective November 5, 2018, through August 15, 2019. A Professor of Linguistics, Lin served as Department Coordinator from 2013-2015. She also was Associate Chair of the Department of Linguistics & Germanic, Slavic, Asian, and African Languages from 2000-2003 and…

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Professor Receives Teaching Award

Tom Lovik, Professor of German in Michigan State University’s Department of Linguistics and Germanic, Slavic, Asian, and African Languages, received the Michigan World Language Association’s (MIWLA) Georges J. Joyaux Post-Secondary Educator Award at the MIWLA annual conference in Lansing on October 18. The Georges J. Joyaux Award is given to an outstanding post-secondary faculty member or administrator who is committed to…

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Teaching and Research Guided by Student Interests

John Grey, Academic Specialist in the Department of Philosophy, is using his research and teaching experience to develop dynamic and engaging courses in logic, metaphysics and the history of philosophy. Grey first discovered his passion for teaching as a doctoral student at Boston University.  “I knew that I really wanted to keep studying philosophy,” he said. “What I found in graduate school…

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Professor Creates Unique Teaching and Research Tool

A multimodal interactive database that includes all monosyllabic sounds in the Mandarin Chinese language is providing educators, students, and researchers with a unique resource in which to help teach and study the language and has earned its creator, Catherine Ryu, Associate Professor of Japanese Literature and Culture, a prestigious national award.Tone Perfect, a web-based teaching and research tool consisting of…

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English Professor Recommended for New Associate Provost Position

Judith Stoddart has been recommended for appointment as the Associate Provost for University Collections and Arts Initiatives, effective immediately.  She will continue in her role as Senior Associate Dean of the Graduate School and retain her appointment as Associate Professor in the Department of English. In this new position, Stoddart will be responsible for supporting the units across campus that hold…

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De Felice Named New Director of English Language Center

Dustin De Felice has been appointed Director of the English Language Center (ELC) for a three-year term, effective August 16, 2018-August 15, 2021.An Assistant Professor in MSU’s Center for Language Teaching Advancement (CeLTA), De Felice is the former Director of the Master of Arts degree in Foreign Language Teaching (MAFLT) program, which is housed within CeLTA and is designed for current and aspiring foreign…

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