Degree/Year: Philosophy, 2014
Company: Quantcast
Position: Senior Customer Success Specialist
City/State: San Francisco, CA
Quantcast is a digital marketing platform that partners with advertisers and publishers to reach the right audience. My current role is to support the Sales team in setting up and ensuring success with digital marketing campaigns. A lot of my professional time is spent analyzing issues and problem solving, and my role has a significant amount of client interaction.
“The skills I learned at MSU helped me excel in an industry I had not considered prior.”
MSU’s philosophy curriculum helped hone my logic and reasoning skills. Critical thinking skills are essential to providing clients the best service in my field. And managing client interaction in tandem with daily problem solving is a must when working at a tech start up.
Don’t be afraid of failure or change. While a MSU student, I was certain I’d graduate university and swiftly move to law school – only to experience setbacks which, at the time, I viewed as failure. When I ultimately realized law wasn’t the path for me, it was easy to see that the “failures” were in fact simply learning where my natural interests and newly realized capabilities would lead me. I never imagined I would work in the tech industry in San Francisco, but the skills I learned at MSU helped me excel in an industry I had not considered prior to getting my degree.