Degree/Year: Theatre, 2014
Employer name: League of Chicago Theatres
Position/Title: Management Assistant
City/State: Chicago, Illinois

As the Management Assistant, I help with everyday operations and work mostly in the areas of marketing and audience and professional development. My company is a service arts organization that has more than 200 theatre companies as members. We help promote and advocate for the expansive theatre community here. My big project right now is Chicago Theatre Week, which is an initiative created by the League of Chicago Theatres in partnership with Choose Chicago, which allows locals and tourists to see a bunch of great shows in February for an affordable price selection.
My major and its flexibility allowed me to design a college career where
I could dabble in various areas within the arts sector. While focusing on my acting craft, I also developed skills in stage management, arts management, and took on several leadership positions. All of this influenced my senior year internship at Wharton Center for the Performing Arts, which was incredibly informative on what it’s like to work for an arts and culture organization.Take your time in figuring out what interests you and say no to things that will not and/or no longer serve you.
Take your time in figuring out what interests you and say no to things that will not and/or no longer serve you.
Relieve yourself of the pressure to find the perfect job or move to a big city immediately after graduating. That being said, don’t be afraid to take a chance on opportunities that pop up, After graduating, I had a tough time trying to find and attain the perfect kick-off position, but I took a chance with my internship at the League and it turned into a job that lead to a plethora of other great opportunities.