Inaugurated in 2024, the Flying Under the Radar Award is dedicated to acknowledging the contributions of support staff members who shine in their roles quietly but with remarkable efficacy, without the desire for recognition. This award is designed to celebrate those essential individuals who, through their steadfast commitment, exemplary performance, and cooperative spirit, make significant impacts behind the scenes. It serves to honor the quiet achievers within our the College of Arts & Letters — those whose efforts, though not always visible, are fundamental to our collective success. The Flying Under the Radar Award stands as a tribute to these unsung heroes, reminding us that valuable contributions are made in many ways and that every position, executed with discretion, is vital to our shared progress. 

The award recipient will receive a $500 award and be recognized with a citation and an award plaque.


The nominee must be a CAL support staff member . 

Eligibility is limited to every five years. 


  • Consistent Performance Over Time: The nominee consistently performs at a high level over time, demonstrating reliability, diligence, and a steady commitment to excellence. They deliver exceptional results and contribute significantly to their team and the College’s goals.
  • Invisible Excellence: The nominee has demonstrated excellence in their role without seeking visibility or recognition. Their work is characterized by high quality and effectiveness, significantly contributing to the College’s goals.
  • Supportive Team Player: The nominee plays a crucial role in fostering a collaborative and supportive team environment, helping others overcome challenges and facilitating teamwork without taking center stage.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: The nominee exhibits strong problem-solving abilities, often identifying and addressing issues proactively, efficiently, and quietly, before they escalate or become widely known.
  • Adaptability and Resilience: The nominee demonstrates the ability to adapt to changes and challenges with a positive attitude, showing flexibility and resilience without direct supervision or recognition.
  • Integrity: The nominee consistently displays honesty, integrity, and ethical behavior in all professional dealings, inspiring trust and respect from colleagues and contributing to a positive organizational culture.


Complete the NOMINATION FORM. Along with the nomination form, please upload the nomination letter and up to 3 letters of support – 2 pages or less. Group letters are welcomed. For assistance or questions regarding the form or process, please contact Melissa Staub. 

Nominations and letters of support are encouraged from students, staff, and faculty from across campus who have direct knowledge and experience interacting with the nominee.


The nominee must meet the eligibility requirements. Each nomination will be rated by a committee of five using a rubric based on the award criteria. Nomination and supporting letters will have identifying information, such as names, titles, and departments redacted to avoid unintended bias or preferential scoring. Distinctive achievement in each category of the award will constitute the strongest case for selection. The committee will be cognizant, however, of particularly outstanding achievement in any one area. The finalist will be submitted to the Dean of the College of Arts & Letters for final approval. 



2024 – To be determined.