This award recognizes and rewards fixed-term faculty and academic specialists in the College of Arts and Letters at Michigan State University who demonstrate leadership excellence. Leadership excellence is exhibited by those who through the performance of their assigned duties enhance the programmatic excellence of their college unit as a whole. These fixed-term faculty and academic specialists make a substantive impact in their area and often mark the difference between a good program and an excellent one. Award winners provide the hard work and leadership that fosters excellence, encourages others on their own path to intellectual leadership, and enhances diversity across the College of Arts and Letters.

The amount of the award is $1,000.


  • Outstanding performance of assigned duties
  • Demonstrated trajectory for growth and advancement
  • Creative leadership in fostering high quality work within a program/department
  • Promotes productive relationships within program/department and at the college and/or university level
  • Treats others with dignity, respect, and integrity


  • Minimum of three years of service in a College unit
  • Nominated by another member of the College unit or self-nominated
  • Supported by department chair or other College unit administrator
  • Eligibility limited to every five years


LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION: All nominations should include 2-3 letters of support (2 pages or less)

  • Nominator letter
  • Letter from chair or other College unit administrator
  • If self-nominating or if nominator is the Chair or College unit administrator, at least one other letter of support is required

A committee of faculty members will review and select the first annual Fixed-term Faculty & Academic Specialist Leadership Excellence Award recipient.

DEADLINE: April 15