Impacting Childhood Research

After taking the Children’s Language Acquisition course taught by Cristina Schmitt, Honors College and linguistics and neuroscience major Mina Hirzel found something she was truly interested in pursuing. “Cristina invited me to come sit in on the acquisition lab, and that really opened up my world of research.” Preschool Language Learning The Language Acquisition Lab operates under the Department…

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RISE Program and the College of Arts & Letters Partner

The College of Arts & Letters (CAL) at Michigan State University is partnering with the Residential Initiative on the Study of the Environment (RISE) to offer experiential learning opportunities to CAL students throughout the academic school year. Students will have the have the opportunity to participate in a community and curriculum through hands-on engagement. Opportunities to learn and explore include:…

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Five Nominated For Rhodes, Other Prominent Graduate School Scholarship

Five Michigan State University students have been nominated for major graduate school scholarship awards – the Marshall Scholarship, Mitchell Scholarship and Rhodes Scholarship. MSU’s nominees for the Rhodes Scholarship include: English major Lauren Straley • Sarah Kovan, an Honors College senior majoring in comparative cultures and politics in the James Madison College and human biology in the College of Natural…

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At the College of Arts & Letters (CAL), we believe in the power of real-world experience and hands-on learning. Internships and experiential learning are important parts of undergraduate education, and elevate those that gain these experiences to the top of the job market.  We employ students from throughout the college in positions like Technology and Development, Graphic Design, Event Planning, Marketing, and…

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Killer Robots and the Humanities: Building an Interdisciplinary UX Program

The Experience Architecture (XA) program at Michigan State University is a cutting-edge, interdisciplinary major in the Humanities focused on user experience. Through the exploration and building of products, services, and policies of digital and physical objects, students are trained as user experience architects, usability specialists, user researchers, information architects, interaction designers, content strategists, project managers, and developers of digital products,…

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College of Arts & Letters Student Nominated for the Harry S. Truman Scholarship

SERVICE-MINDED STUDENTS NOMINATED FOR NATIONAL TRUMAN SCHOLARSHIP Four students involved in public service have been nominated by Michigan State University for the Harry S. Truman Scholarship. The Truman Scholarship Foundation recognizes college juniors with exceptional leadership potential who are committed to affecting change through public service by providing them with financial support for graduate study, leadership training and fellowship with other students. MSU’s…

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Scholarships Change Student Lives Jade Wiselogle is a first-generation college student with big dreams who doesn’t need to be convinced of the role a college education will play in achieving them. She says she chose MSU because it was the best option for her financially and she wanted to do everything in her power to go to a Big Ten school. She’s one of two…

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Entrepreneurial Students Present App at Techweek

Necter (Now, Conecter) is “Your go-to campus connector.” Students want to be social. They want to do the things they love and connect with others who love doing the same things. But when you’re attending a school like MSU, with so many other students, connecting with people that share similar interests can seem overwhelming. It may seem easy to find…

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New Experience Architecture (XA) Major Delivers on Creating Innovative Digital Solutions

Experience Architecture, or XA, is one “hot” and expanding MSU College of Arts & Letters major, and founding faculty members Liza Potts, Rebecca Tegtmeyer and William Hart-Davidson, couldn’t be more pleased with the strong student interest.  Tylor Hoekstra, a junior in the XA major, creates a wireframe for a website. Potts, who is XA program director and associate professor in…

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Doctoral Student Wins International Research Title with Language App

Laura Gonzales presenting PromptMe at the SIGDOC conference in Ireland. A team of three graduate students in the Rhetoric and Writing program at Michigan State are changing the way language is used in the classroom. Spokesperson for the team, Laura Gonzales, won first place at the annual SIGDOC conference for their application idea, PromptMe, and is now in the running…

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