Alumna Releases Book About Her Climb Up the Corporate Ladder

Nancy Bullock, who received her B.A. in English from MSU in 1981, has spent most of her career in Vice President of Marketing and Director of Marketing positions for companies like 1-800-FLOWERS, Pampered Chef, Home Depot, Spilsbury, and Random House. She is now President and Owner of Digital Market Solutions, Inc., and does consulting for startups in the Chicago area. Bullock also recently…

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Book Explores Jewish Name Changing and Its Connection to Anti-Semitism

For the past 10 years, Kirsten Fermaglich, Associate Professor of History and Jewish Studies, has researched the practice of Jewish name changing in the United States and has written a book on the subject, titled A Rosenberg by Any Other Name: A History of Jewish Name Changing in America.  The book, published by New York University Press and released in October,…

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Alumnus Awarded for His Outdoor Travel Writing and Books

Bob Holzhei recently won an award from AGLOW in the Best Book category for the novella The Mountains Shall Depart. He is a freelance outdoor travel writer and a self-published author of four books. With a B.A. MSU deegree in English Literature with an emphasis in Creative Writing and a minor in Psychology, Bob Holzhei answers questions and extends his learnings.

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Mitch Albom to Speak and Sign Latest Book at MSU

Bestselling author, screenwriter, playwright, and nationally syndicated columnist, Mitch Albom, will speak and sign his latest book at MSU’s Wharton Center for Performing Arts on Tuesday, December 11, at 7 p.m. with all proceeds supporting student scholarships for MSU’s College of Arts & Letters and the Department of Theatre. Albom’s newest book, The Next Person You Meet in Heaven, which will be released…

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Public Philosophy Journal Publishes First Issue

The Public Philosophy Journal (PPJ), led by Christopher P. Long, Dean of the College of Arts & Letters, and Dean Rehberger, Director of Matrix, has just released its first issue, which includes articles on “Practicing Public Scholarship” by Dean Long and on “Mentoring Lessons from Plants” by Beronda Montgomery, MSU Foundation Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Microbiology and Molecular Genetics in…

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Mellon Grant Supports Publication Code of Ethics in Philosophy

A Michigan State University Philosophy professor is working with a research team to develop a code of ethics for publishing in the field of philosophy. This project, entitled “Conduct Unbecoming: Toward a Code of Publication Ethics in Philosophy,” has received a $75,000 grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Kyle Powys Whyte, Timnick Chair in the Humanities and Associate Professor of…

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Chicago Folklore Prize Awarded to Book Co-Authored by AAHD Professor

Four colleagues at the MSU Museum, including a Professor in the Department of Art, Art History and Design, recently received the prestigious Chicago Folklore Prize from the University of Chicago for their 2016 book, Quilts and Human Rights.Each year, the Chicago Folklore Prize is presented to authors of a book-length work that explores the intersection between folklore and scholarship. This year, the…

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From Ph.D. to Successful Comic Book Writer

A life-long lover of films and graphic novels, College of Arts & Letters alumnus Greg Wright is using his Ph.D. in Contemporary American Literature and Film from Michigan State University as a successful comic book writer. The author of the graphic novels Wild Bullets and Monstrous first considered writing screenplays after earning his Ph.D. in 2007, but soon discovered he enjoyed writing graphic novels…

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Addressing Issues of Teaching in the Wake of Racial Violence

Three College of Arts & Letters faculty members recently worked together on editing a special issue of English Education journal that focuses on teaching in the wake of racial violence. Published earlier this month and titled From Racial Violence to Racial Justice: Praxis and Implications for English (Teacher) Education, the faculty members who guest-edited the special issue include: April Baker-Bell, Assistant Professor of…

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